Home / Mode / Trends / Her er de 18 bedste celebrity-citater om sko
Vi kender alle Carrie Bradshaws ikoniske citat: ''I like my money, where I can see it, hanging in my closet'', men det er ikke kun tøj, der findes sjove citater om. Nej, også sko er der blevet sagt nogle ikoniske og episke ting om gennem tiden, og vi har samlet 18 af de bedste frem til dig lige her!
Én ting, som alle modeentusiaster kan skrive under på, uden at tøve et eneste sekund er, at sko er en uundværlig og altafgørende faktor for et outfit.
Det er der blevet sagt en masse kloge ting om op gennem tiden, og det er både designere, sangere, skuespillere, stilikoner og lignende, der har udtalt sig om deres syn på outfittets mest betydningsfulde item.
Alle lige fra Christian Dior, Coco Chanel og Marylin Monroe til Rihanna, Cara Delevingne og Victoria Beckham har delt deres episke citater om sko med os.
Det samme har ikoniske fiktive personer, såsom Carrie Bradshaw og Askepot, der, trods deres uvirkelighed, stadig har dikteret vores syn på mode – og sko.
Vi har samlet de 18 bedste celebrity-citater om sko, som vi kunne finde frem i gemmerne, til dig i galleriet nedenfor.
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Christian Louboutin: ''I would hate for someone to look at my shoes and say ''Oh my God, they look so comfortable!''
Rihanna: ''Nicki Minaj has better booty, but I have better shoes.''
Carrie Bradshaw: ''I'm not afraid of heights, have you seen my shoes?''
Anna Dello Rossi: ''I can be naked as long as I'm wearing the right pair of shoes.''
Askepot: ''One shoe can change your life.''
Brian Atwood: ''Life is short, your heels shouldn't be.''
Cara Delevingne: ''I spend most of the time wearing uncomfortable things, so for me, it's all about trainers.''
Christian Dior: ''You can never take to much care over the choice of your shoes. To many women think that they are unimportant, but the real proof of an elegant woman is what she is on her feet.''
Coco Chanel: ''A woman with good shoes are never ugly.''
Iris Apfel: ''If your hair is done properly, and you're wearing good shoes, you can get away with everything.''
Kiera Knightley: ''I see a pair of shoes I adore, and it doesn't matter if they have them in my size. I buy them anyway.''
Kenneth Cole: ''The average woman fall in love seven times a year. Only six are with shoes.''
Manolo Blahnik: ''Men tell me that I've saved their marriage. It costs them a fortune in shoes, but it's cheaper than a divorce.''
Marylin Monroe: ''Give a girl the right shoe, and she can conquer the world.''
Muiccia Prada: ''Craziness in a shoe is great - you can have much more freedom, you can exaggerate and it doesn't feel stupid. But to have too much craziness near your face, that would just feel wierd.''
Roger Viver: ''To wear dreams on one's feet is to begin to give reality to one's dreams.''
Victoria Beckham: ''I can't concentrate in flats.''
Vivianne Westwood: ''Shoes must have very high heels and platforms to put women's beauty on a pedestal.''