25 af Karl Lagerfelds mest berømte, humoristiske og provokerende citater
Af Nikita Hoffmann Andersen - 22/02/2019
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Vi har samlet 25 af Karl Lagerfelds mest berømte, humoristiske og provokerende citater gennem tiden.
Få mennesker har formået at sætte så stort et præg på moden, som tyske Karl Lagerfeld.
Chanel-designeren startede sin karriere i 1950’ernes Paris, hvor han, efter at have vundet “Woolmark Prize”, blev hyret som assistent for designeren Pierre Balmain, og i løbet af de næste mange årtier udfoldede hans karriere sig hos modehusene Chloé, Fendi og den mest berømte: Chanel.
Han forblev kreativ direktør hos Fendi og Chanel frem til sin død.
Karl Lagerfeld skabte noget af samtidens smukkeste design, men han var ikke kun kendt for sit fantastiske håndværk.
Den afdøde designer var nemlig noget for sig, og alt fra look, udstråling og de ting, der kom ud af hans mund, var enestående.
Foto: MEGA
Karl Lagerfeld var nemlig i den grad kendt for at have udtalt nogle berømte, humoristiske og provokerende citater igennem tiden. Han mente for eksempel, at sweatpants var et tegn på nederlag, og at man altid burde gå i seng, som om man var på vej på date.
Vi mindes den legendariske Kejser Karl ved at se tilbage på de sjoveste udtalelser.
Se med nedenfor, hvor vi har samlet 25 billeder af Karl Lagerfeld – fra ung til gammel – sammen med hans 25 mest opsigtsvækkende citater.
Foto: MEGA
Om sin barndom: "I was very much like a grown-up. I have photos of me as a child wearing a tie, and it's the same as I am today".
Foto: MEGA
"When I was four I asked my mother for a valet for my birthday".
Foto: MEGA
"Chic is a kind of mayonnaise, either it tastes, or it doesn't".
Foto: MEGA
Om følelsen lige efter et modeshow: "I’m a kind of fashion nymphomaniac who never gets an orgasm".
Foto: MEGA
“I remember going with a friend of my mother’s to see her [Coco Chanel’s] first collection when she opened [again] in 1954. And I liked it because it was a big failure, a big flop, but there was a mood of what I thought I had missed in life, the 20s and the early 30s, because this was what I liked”.
Foto: MEGA
“When I took over Chanel, everybody said to me, ‘Don’t touch it. It’s dead. There’s nothing you can do.’ And I said to myself, ‘I love that people think that. Now let’s see”.
Foto: MEGA
Om sine følelser lige inden et modeshow: "I have no human feelings".
Foto: MEGA
“I lost 200lb to wear suits by Hedi Slimane".
Foto: MEGA
"If you throw money out of the window throw it out with joy".
Foto: MEGA
"The most important piece in the house is the garbage can".
Foto: MEGA
"The iPod is genius. I have 300".
Foto: MEGA
Om hvorfor han aldrig fik børn: "They grow so fast, and having adult children makes you look 100 years old. I don’t want that".
Foto: MEGA
Om at bo alene: "I live in a set, with the curtains of the stage closed with no audience - but who cares?".
Foto: MEGA
"I don't know Heidi Klum. She was never known in France. Claudia Schiffer also doesn't know who she is".
Foto: MEGA
Om altid at gå med solbriller: "They're my burka... I'm a little shortsighted, and people, when they're shortsighted, they remove their glasses and then they look like cute little dogs who want to be adopted".
Foto: MEGA
“I design like I breathe. You don’t ask to breathe. It just happens”.
Foto: MEGA
"I'm very impeccable and clean before I go to bed. It's just like right before I'm going out. When I was a child, my mother always told me that you could wake up in the middle of the night and be deathly sick, so you always have to be impeccable. I laugh about it now, but I think everyone should go to bed like they have a date at the door".
Foto: MEGA
"Be politically correct, but please don't bother other people with conversation about being politically correct, because that's the end of everything. You want to create boredom? Be politically correct in your conversation".
Foto: MEGA
"When I was 14, I wanted to smoke because my mother smoked like mad. I wanted to smoke to look grown-up. But my mother said: 'You shouldn't smoke. Your hands are not that beautiful and that shows when you smoke".
Foto: MEGA
"As a child I wanted to be a grown-up. I wanted to know everything - not that I like to talk about it. I hate intellectual conversation with intellectuals because I only care about my opinion".
Foto: MEGA
"Well, there came this new line from Hedi Slimane at Dior that you needed to be slim to wear. It said: 'You want this? Go back to your bones.' And so I lost it all".
Foto: MEGA
Om sin kat, Choupette: “You know, personally, I don't even think I’m that famous. Now, Choupette really is famous. She has become the most famous cat in the world. I even get propositioned by pet food companies and things like that, but it's out of the question. I’m commercial. She’s not”.
Foto: MEGA
“I think tattoos are horrible. It’s like living in a Pucci dress full-time. If you’re young and tight, maybe it’s OK, but…” .
Foto: MEGA
“Sweatpants are a sign of defeat. You lost control of your life so you bought some sweatpants”.
Foto: MEGA
“I’m very much down to earth, just not this earth”.