Den tyske modeskaber Karl Lagerfeld har i løbet af sit liv arbejdet på mange imponerende projekter, nu kan han snart tilføje et 20-etager højt hotel til den liste. Noget andet den gode Lagerfeld er kendt for, er sin evne til at komme med kommentarer af den noget kontroversielle slags.Vi viser dig 20 eksempler på disse ..
Hvis man planlægger en tur til Kina i 2017, vil det være muligt at tilbringe natten på et hotel designet af Mr. Chanel himself. Nemlig 80-årige Karl Lagerfeld. Den tyske excentriske modeskaber, der er kendt for at have en mening om lidt af hvert og ikke er bange for at ytre dem, skal designe alle 270 værelser i det 20 etager høje hotel i det sydkinesiske område Macau.
Tør man gætte på, at det bliver værd at besøge?
I galleriet herunder kan du se 20 af designerens udtalelser, som alle får en til at tænke ‘ det sagde han bare ikke’ … Take it away Karl:
"I am like a caricature of myself, and I like that. It is like a mask. And for me the Carnival of Venice lasts all year long."
Life is not a beauty contest. Some ugly people are great. What I hate is nasty, ugly people. The worst is ugly, short men. Women can be short, but for men it is impossible. It is something that they will not forgive in life. They are mean and they want to kill you."
"They're my burka... I'm a little short-sighted, and people, when they're short-sighted, they remove their glasses and then they look like cute little dogs who want to be adopted."
"I’m very much down to earth, just not this earth."
"I am a walking label. My name is Labelfeld, not Lagerfeld."
"I hate intellectual conversation with intellectuals because I only care about my opinion."
"I actually have two houses. This house here, it's only for sleeping and sketching, and I have another house two-and-a-half meters away for lunch and dinner and to see people, and there the cook is and all that."
"Lately, I play with my cat, Choupette. The cat always stays home, and when I leave, the maid takes care of her. The cat is like a very refined object. She doesn't go into the street, and she doesn't go to other places. She is a spoiled princess."
"I don't know who Heidi Klum is. She was never known in France. Claudia Schiffer also doesn't know who she is."
"Normal people think I'm insane."
"I had an interview once with some German journalist. Some horrible, ugly woman. It was in the early days after the communists, maybe a week after, and she wore a yellow sweater that was kind of see-through. She had huge tits and a huge black bra, and she said to me, it's impolite, remove your glasses. I said, do I ask you to remove your bra?"
"Swans are the meanest animals in the World, you know. I had problems with them as a child. They hate children. I was caught by one, so I know. The idea of swans is lovely, and they have a beautiful shape, but they seem more romantic than they in fact are."
"Sweatpants are a sign of defeat. You lost control of your life, so you bought some sweatpants."
"Kate Middleton has a nice silhouette. I like that kind of woman, I like romantic beauties. On the other hand, the sister struggles. I don't like the sister's face. She should only show her back."
"I’m a kind of fashion nymphomaniac who never gets an orgasm."
"I think tattoos are horrible. It's like living in a Pucci dress full-time. If you're young and tight, maybe it's OK, but…"
"If someone gives me a to-do list, I say Thank you, this is nice, one
needs something to throw in the wastebasket."
"I lost 200 pounds to wear suits by Hedi Slimane."
"Be politically correct, but please don't bother other people with conversation about being politically correct, because that's the end of everything. You want to create boredom? Be politically correct in your conversation."
"In a meat-eating world, wearing leather for shoes and even clothes, the discussion of fur is childish."