Kim Cattrall adresserer endnu engang den potentielle Sex and the City 3 – og hvorfor hun nægter at lave den
Af Nikita Hoffmann Andersen - 20/08/2019
Home / Kultur / Celebrity / Kim Cattrall adresserer endnu engang den potentielle Sex and the City 3 – og hvorfor hun nægter at lave den
SATC-dramet mellem Kim Cattrall og Sarah Jesscia Parker – der i serien og de to film spillede Samantha Jones og Carrie Bradshaw – ruller endnu engang, idet Kim Cattrall igen har adresseres den potentielle Sex and the City 3 – og hvorfor hun nægter at lave den.
Det er efterhånden ingen hemmelighed, at Kim Cattrall og Sarah Jessica Parker – aka Samantha Jones og Carrie Bradshaw – ikke er de bedste veninder i virkeligheden.
Selvom de, på en særdeles overbevisende måde, spillede BFFs i successerien Sex and the City – endda igennem hele seks sæsoner og de efterfølgende to film – så er realiteten desværre en ganske anden.
I 2017 og 2018 skabte de to således en del overskrifter, idet de offentligt udtalte sig om hinanden og deres indbyrdes forhold. Hele lavinen rullede, efter Sarah Jessica Parker udtalte sig offentligt ovenpå sin skuffelse over at have indset, at en tredje film i Sex and The City-universet ikke ville blive en realitet:
”Det er slut… Vi laver den ikke. Jeg er skuffet. Vi havde en smuk, sjov, hjerteskærende, glædeligt og meget relaterbart manuskript og historie. Det er ikke bare skuffende, at vi ikke kommer til at fortælle historien og få den oplevelse, men endnu mere for skuffende for seerne, som højlydt har bedt om en ny film,” sagde hun til det amerikanske tv-nyhedsmedie Extra.
Kort efter florerede rygterne om, at det var Kim Cattralls høje krav til den tredje film, der gjorde, at det ikke blev til noget – det ville hun dog gerne modbevise:
”Vågnede til en @MailOnline storm! Det eneste ’KRAV’ jeg nogensinde har haft var, at jeg ikke ville lave en tredje film… & det var tilbage i 2016”, skrev hun på Twitter.
Udover afslaget til filmen begyndte Kim også at udtale sig omkring SJP, og her sagde hun blandt andet, at ”hun kunne have været sødere”, og at de to i øvrigt aldrig havde været veninder i virkeligheden – sidstnævnte en udtalelse, der tydeligt sårede SJP.
Psst! SATC-dramaet tilbage fra 2017 og 2018 er langt og kringlet (og indeholder endda også en dødsfald i en af kvindernes nærmeste familie). Hvis du vil lave det fulde overblik over sagen, så læs med HER.
Foto: MEGA
Men nu er der altså nyt i sagen igen, idet Kim Cattrall endnu engang har adresseret den potentielle Sex and the City 3 – og hvorfor hun nægter at lave den.
I et interview med The Guardian indikerer Kim nærmest, at hun ville ønske, hun havde efterladt Samantha tidligere:
”Jeg gik længere end til slutlinjen med Samantha Jones, fordi jeg elskede Sex and the City. Det var en velsignelse på så mange måder, men efter den anden film havde jeg fået nok. Jeg kunne ikke forstå, hvorfor de ikke bare ville erstatte mig med en anden skuespillerinde i stedet for at bruge tid på at mobbe. Nej betyder nej,” lød det fra Kim Cattrall.
Meget tyder altså på, at Sam Jones endnu ikke har lagt stridigheder bag sig, og måske kan vi også i fremtiden forvente flere udtalelser fra de to ’frenemies’.
Vi er selvfølgelig kede af, at Kim og Sarah ikke kan få venskabet til at fungere i virkeligheden, men vi gør os umage for, at realitetens kontroverser ikke påvirker vores forhold til Sex and The City og Carrie, Samantha, Miranda og Charlotte.
Det gør vi blandt andet ved at huske tilbage på seriens mange guldkorn – fx via galleriet herunder hvor vi har samlet de 35 bedste citater fra Sex and The City:
Foto: Sex and The City
“Monogamy is on its way out again. It had a brief comeback in the 90s, but as the millennium approaches, everyone’s leaving their options open”, Stanford Blatch
Foto: Sex and The City
“I’ve spent $40,000 on shoes and I have no place to live? I will literally be the old woman who lived in her shoes”, Carrie Bradshaw.
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“Oh my God! Do you know what these are? Manolo Blahnik Mary Janes! I thought these were an urban shoe myth”, Carrie Bradshaw.
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“I love you, but I love me more”, Samantha Jones.
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“We all judge. That’s our hobby. Some people do arts and crafts. We judge”, Stanford Blatch
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"I will not be judged by you or society", Samantha Jones.
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"And finally, the most important break up rule: no matter who broke your heart, or how long it takes to heal, you’ll never go through it without your friends", Carrie Bradshaw.
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“They say nothing lasts forever; dreams change, trends come and go, but friendships never go out of style”, Carrie Bradshaw.
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“After all, seasons change, so do cities; people come into your life and people go. But it’s comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart. And if you’re very lucky, a plane ride away”, Carrie Bradshaw.
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“Enjoy yourself. That’s what your 20s are for. Your 30s are to learn the lessons. Your 40s are to pay for the drinks”, Carrie Bradshaw.
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“My marriage is a fake Fendi”, Charlotte York.
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“And then I realised something, twenty-something girls are just fabulous, until you see one with the man who broke your heart”, Carrie Bradshaw.
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"Some people are settling down, some people are settling and some people refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies”, Carrie Bradshaw.
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“The fact is, sometimes it’s really hard to walk in a single woman’s shoes. That’s why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun”, Carrie Bradshaw.
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“Beauty is fleeting, but a rent-controlled apartment overlooking the park is forever”, Carrie Bradshaw.
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“I like my money where I can see it – hanging in my closet”, Carrie Bradshaw.
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"You shouldn't have to sacrifice who you are just because somebody else has a problem with it", Carrie Bradshaw.
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“In New York your always looking for a job, a boyfriend or an apartment”, Carrie Bradshaw
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“The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that’s just fabulous”, Carrie Bradshaw.
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“I curse the day you were born”, Charlotte York.
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"I've been dating since I was fifteen! I'm exhausted! Where is he?", Charlotte York.
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“Abso-fucking-lutely”, Mr Big.
Foto: Sex and The City
"Maybe some women aren’t meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free. Until they find someone, just as wild to run with", Carrie Bradshaw.
Foto: Sex and The City
“I am someone who is looking for love. Real love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can’t-live-without-each-other love”, Carrie Bradshaw.
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“I suggested he have a tomato salad, then I suggested we get married”, Charlotte York.
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"I will never be the woman with the perfect hair, who can wear white and not spill on it", Carrie Bradshaw.
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“Being single used to mean that nobody wanted you. Now it means you’re pretty sexy and you’re taking your time deciding how you want your life to be and who you want to spend it with”, Carrie Bradshaw
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“After a while you just wanna be with the one that makes you laugh”, Mr. Big.
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“I feel the same way about being a bridesmaid as you feel about Botox. Painful and unnecessary”, Samantha Jones.
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“Ever thine. Ever mine. Ever ours”, Mr. Big
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“How did it happen that four such smart woman have nothing to talk about but boyfriends?”, Miranda Hobbes.
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“I’d like a cheeseburger, large fries and a Cosmopolitan”, Carrie Bradshaw.
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"I want to enjoy my success, not apologize for it", Miranda Hobbes.
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"It wasn't logic, it was love", Carrie Bradshaw.
Foto: Sex and The City
"Some love stories aren't epic novels, some are short stories... But, that doesn't make them any less filled with love", Carrie Bradshaw.
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“Maybe we can be each other’s soul mates. And then we can let men be just these great, nice guys to have fun with”, Charlotte York.