20 gange hvor Ryan Reynolds og Blake Lively har pranket hinanden på Instagram
Af Anna Holm Pedersen - 10/03/2021
Home / Kultur / Celebrity / 20 gange hvor Ryan Reynolds og Blake Lively har pranket hinanden på Instagram
A-list parret, Ryan Reynolds og Blake Lively, er uden tvivl nogle af vores yndlingspersoner at følge på Instagram - og det er ikke kun fordi de er et lækkert par - de serverer nemlig også en god portion underholdning til vores feed!
Når det kommer til Hollywood-par, er Blake Lively og Ryan Reynolds nogle af vores yndlings – ikke kun fordi de er to smukke og berømte mennesker, men fordi de bestemt ikke tager sig selv så alvorligt.
Parrets mange Instagram-følgere er vilde med Liverly og Reynolds’ Insta-posts, fordi de ofte poster sjove og spydige post om eller til hinanden. Tonen er dog altid lys og legende.
De gør grin med hinanden, samtidig med, at de altid støtter hinanden på den røde løber og i deres arbejde – og vi er vilde med det!
Er du også nysgerrig på, hvordan de to turtelduer pranker hinanden? Så læs med i galleriet herunder, hvor vi har samlet 20 gange, hvor Ryan Reynolds og Blake Lively har pranket hinanden på Instagram.
Lively: “Round 2 with this guy? Yes. Yes please. #deadpool2 I’ve seen it 3 times THIS WEEK ...the movie, that is.”
Lively: “THE cassette tape as a clutch, a portrait of Deadpool on my nail, an X-Force nail, a full DP heart on, and a ring like Collossus’ fist. Can you tell I’m proud of my Deadpool? I mean my husband. I mean Deadpool. Honestly I can’t tell the f@*#%ng difference... #deadpool2”
Reynolds: “Best. Birthday. Everrrrr. Courtesy of my wife, buddy, and international spy, @blakelively. With huge thanks to my favorite restaurant in NYC, @_o_ya_ -- and a special shout out to our children for not ruining everything like they planned.”
Lively: “@annakendrick57 is the hotter, female(r) version of my husband… so, would it reaaaally count as cheating??”
Reynolds: “#nofilter”
Lively: “@vancityreynolds didn’t even do one outfit change from the sidewalk to the inside. (Lazy)”
Lively: “Happy Birthday, baby.”
Lively: “I picked a good one. Happy birthday @vancityreynolds.”
Lively: “1) Who is the lost soul that selects birthday PIE. 2) What ANIMAL eats their cake (pie) without first blowing out the candles. @vancityreynolds that’s who. Happy Birthday. I honestly can’t believe we’re still married.”
Lively: "Who needs a mini van?! I'm driving this from now on. Subtle, gorgeous, and OHMYGAWNYOUREHUGE."
Reynolds: “Happy Birthday, @blakelively.”
Reynolds: “Happy Birthday to my amazing wife.”
Lively: “@vancityreynolds made some Christmas cookies...He’s verrry handsome though.”
Lively: “The balls to my basket.”
Reynolds: “Baked this cake for my wife. The icing is glue, ‘cause I’m not a scientist.”
Reynolds: “This is my first time voting in America. I’d like to thank my wife Blake for making my first time so gentle and loving. It was super scary at first, then exciting and now I’m a little tired. But proud. #VoteEarly”
Lively: “Should I be concerned that my husband's never looked at me this way?... #WhereAreThoseEyesWanderingReynolds #HelenMirrenIStheSexiestWomanAlive #WomanInGold”
Lively: “It was Ryan’s first time. He was understandably scared. It all happened so fast. Like, REALLY fast. He wept. I pretended to weep. Then he called all his friend[s]. #voteearly”
Reynolds: “ALL I SEE IS YOU opens today!!! I was so happy to see an advanced screening of this STUNNING film by Marc Forster! Also, I married my wife online, so it was nice to finally meet her in person. #alliseeisyou.”